Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Script Introduction

The Vagina Monologues script has an introduction, and there is a second introduction before the first scene. The second one I will not comment on.

All I desire to say about the first is this:

Ensler says, “Slowly, it dawned on me that nothing was more important than stopping violence toward women—that the desecration of women indicated the failure of human beings to honor and protect life and that this failing would, if we did not correct it, be the end of us all. I do not think I am being extreme. When you rape, beat, maim, mutilate, burn, bury, and terrorize women, you destroy the essential life energy on the planet. You force what is meant to be open, trusting, nurturing, creative, and alive to be bent, infertile, and broken.”

Eve, I don’t think you are being extreme. Your goal is noble and the charities you support do work. This cannot be denied. The question is: is this play the right way to do this?

We shall see.

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